Libby by Overdrive can be used to both borrow and read ebooks and audiobooks and is available for iOS, Android, or Windows 10 for desktops and tablets. You can also use Libby in your web browser at libbyapp.com
Libby is easy to access with just your library card number, no passwords/PINs needed! Find Libby at https://libbyapp.com/welcome or in your App Store.
Some tips for using Libby:
New / Popular / Available
New Books/Audiobooks
This is a great place to see what new releases are available and to fill your hold shelf. Many new releases will have a long wait time. Keep in mind that Libby only allows you ten holds at a time!
Popular Books/Audiobooks
Many older but popular titles have multiple titles and are usually available, such as Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.
Available Books/Audiobooks
This is where you can find books that are available for you to borrow today!
Within this section, you can further refine your search by filtering Fiction, Nonfiction, Biography and more.
Select the format you are interested in by filtering to Audiobook, Book or Magazine, or browse through all three formats.
If you’re looking for a recent release, try filtering by Release Date instead and you will see the newest available books.
Randomize search results for serendipity! Or sort by popularity to find a hot available book.
You can filter by Audience to include or remove Juvenile or Young Adult results.
Happy reading! The Rockport Public librarians are always available to help with technical issues or recommend titles- reach us at info@rockportlibrary.org.