What are you doing this summer? If you’re a youth, I hope you’re planning on joining the library for “Tales
and Tails”, our Summer Reading program! In addition to all the amazing books out there that relate to this year’s theme of fairy tales and animals, we’ve got a ton of fun virtual events and programs to keep our readers busy.
I especially hope you’ll join us on Wednesday afternoons, June 30th to August 4th, from I-3pm when we’ll be teaming up with Cape Ann Animal Aid to offer an exciting virtual program called: “Rescue Readers”. For this program, Summer Reading Participants can sign up for 15-minute time slots to read to cats, kittens, puppies, and dogs via Zoom while they are waiting to be adopted.
Why would you want to read to fluffy kittens and puppies waiting for their furever homes? Well, it’s a great opportunity for you to practice (and even show off!) your reading skills, help socialize these cute critters to human voices, and even make a new fur friend! For more information, please see our event calendar: https://rockportlibrary.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/summer-reading-event-paws-for-reading-with-cape-ann-animal-aid/
Full disclosure: the cats and dogs are so lovely that while putting this program together, I adopted one myself! Meet Duck, a 3 year-old sweetheart who loves snuggles, catnip, and hanging out with his new cat brother, The Mitten.