We’re almost ready, and it shouldn’t be long now! We’ve done our research to determine how we can ensure the library is as safe as possible to reopen for use by the public and our staff. One of our biggest challenges has been airflow and purification in such an old building with multiple-sized spaces, no HVAC system, and windows that do not open. Appropriate air purification systems have been ordered, and as soon as they arrive and are installed, the Board of Health will verify that the library can reopen to the public for browsing and computer use.
While the building has been closed to the public, we’ve been hard at work rethinking every aspect of operations and making changes and improvements, including possible replacement of flooring on the main level, improving signage, and swapping out furniture and shelving. This attention to detail will allow us to begin a soft reopening, with patrons able to select materials and/or use the computers starting by appointment only and then expanding availability as more people get vaccinated and the risks are reduced.
As soon as we are able to announce a firm opening date, we will provide detailed info on the opening process and procedures. We appreciate your continued patience as we make all required adjustments to ensure staff and public safety. Meanwhile, our back porch pick-up program will continue (this will continue for the foreseeable future), and our librarians are always only an email or phone call away for any assistance you might need.
For information on the status of other libraries in our area, check out Local Library Status Updates If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Director, Cindy Grove, at cgrove@rockportlibrary.org