Exciting news! The Library is reopening!
Beginning on June 2nd, the library will return to pre-pandemic hours, and most of our services will be available again to the public.
Mask wearing is encouraged for all staff and visitors, but masks are not required in the building. We do ask that people continue to respect others and their needs for physical distancing if it is indicated.
We will continue to offer a back porch pickup service for those who do not want to reenter the building at this time. To utilize this service, please call (978-546-6934) or email (info@rockportlibrary.org) the library to schedule arrange for this service. We will also offer back porch pickup during the hour before we open to add patron accessibility to this service.
The summer reading programs/events had been scheduled earlier this year and because of that will remain virtual for all ages this summer. Meeting rooms will become available as we clear and clean those spaces, which during the library closure were used for storage and quarantining materials.
As we reopen we ask for your patience as some of our collections continue to be shifted, seating added and airflow devices make noise.
If you have questions or concerns please contact the Library Director, Cindy Grove at cgrove@rockportlibrary.org. Updates on our status and services will continue to be posted on the library website and shared on social media.
We look forward to seeing you at the library!