Our book drop is now open! Due dates have been extended and the library is not collecting fines so please take your time returning items. Items will be quarantined for 7 days before we check them in to ensure staff safety.
Please return library books only – no donations! We do not have the staff or space to handle donations, and the Friends are not able to access the building at this time.
We are excited to let you know that the library will soon be offering a curbside pick-up! Like most businesses, the plan is for a phased reopening, beginning with contact-free pickup. Staff are busy getting the library set-up for this new endeavor. We do not have a definite date, but when we are ready to begin we will post the information here. We are still available to answer any questions or help with online resources at 978-546-6934 or info@rockportlibrary.org.
Thank you for your patience during this time, we miss you all, stay safe and healthy.