We are happy to announce you can start reserving library materials and picking them up starting June 25. You can reserve items through the online catalog, email us at info@rockportlibrary.org, or call us at 978-546-6934. We will contact you to schedule a pickup time.
We will have a table on the back porch where we will place items for pickup at the scheduled pickup time.
More Details…
How do I place an order?
If you know what you’d like, you can simply login to the library’s catalog online and make a request! When your items are available, we will notify you to come pick them up.
Statewide delivery service (ILL) among libraries will be restored soon, so you can go ahead place requests from other libraries (choose from over five million items in our 36-member network alone)! Please keep in mind that transit and fulfillment time might take a little longer at first, as we work to return the large backlog of items to their owning libraries.
Hint: To get items even faster, you can always click the “Only Show Available” button, which will display items that are currently checked in at our library, and reduce some of the turnaround time in filling your order.
If you need help placing holds, or would prefer to have a staff member assist you – no problem! We have staff ready to help over the phone. Call us at 978-546-6934 Please be patient! We may be busy as we roll out this service.
What are your hours for the Library Pickup Service?
Starting Thursday, June 25th, you may pick up confirmed orders only during scheduled pickup times. The hours we will schedule pickup will be:
Sunday 1-4
Monday 1-7
Tuesday 10-4
Wednesday 1-7
Thursday 1-7
Friday closed
Saturday 10-4
Previous Holds
If you had something waiting to be picked up when we closed in March, it’s still here! You will receive a notification when these items are ready to be picked up.
How You’ll Be Notified
When your items are ready we’ll contact you to schedule a pickup time.
How Will Pickup Work?
When you come to the library to pick up your items, you will use the back entrance near the parking lot and walk up to the back door. There will be a table with a bag containing your items with your name attached. You can take the bag and enjoy! All items will be checked out to you and the receipt will inform you of the due dates. A staff member will be near the door to answer questions. At this time, we do not have the staffing capacity to deliver items to cars, but if you need special assistance please call us at 978-546-6934 and we will try to find a way to accommodate your needs.
If you’re returning items while you’re here, please place them in the outdoor return bin. Don’t be alarmed if they still appear in your account for a week after you return them (and remember, we never have late fines!). The library is taking every precaution to keep our staff and patrons safe. Please use your own judgment when deciding whether to borrow library materials.
For everyone’s safety, we aren’t able to accept any donations of books or other physical material at this time.
Need Help?
Are you not sure what you want? Would you like some help placing requests? Do you have any questions about using the pickup service? Call us at 978-546-6934 and we’ll help you with whatever you need.
For questions about the library’s phased reopening plan, please or email Library Director Cindy Grove.