The Board of Health met on 8/11/21 and, after consideration of the current status of COVID-19 and the Delta variant, have issued the following:
Effective tomorrow, August 13, masks are required for everyone entering Town buildings, including the following buildings that are regularly open to the public: Town Hall, the Town Hall Annex, the Public Library, Rockport Public Schools, the Community House, the Swap Shop and Book Barn, Public Restrooms, and the Police Station. All buildings remain open to the public as usual. The Board of Health will reassess this order in mid-October.
The Board of Health will continue to monitor the current status of COVID-19 closely and enhance or reduce any public health orders and guidance as appropriate.
Please visit the COVID-19 Updates page on the Town website for up-to-date information. Questions may be directed to covid19@rockportma.gov or 978-546-5000 x4COVID.
The Rockport Library has continued to off the back porch pickup program and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future as long as patrons find it supportive.