Community Resource Fair: Cannabis Use Effects on Young Brains
The library will host a community resource fair on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 at 5PM, with a lecture from Dr. Jodi Gillman at 5:30 PM. Dr.…

Active Strength & Stretch On a Chair Demo with Sarah Slifer Swift
We welcome you to come meet the Director of Movement Arts Gloucester (MAGMA), Sarah Slifer Swift on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd at 10:30AM in the Brenner…

FoL Fundraiser at Roy Moore’s Fish Shack
Did you know that the library’s programs are all funded by the Friends of the Rockport Library? Each year the FoL raise money to fund…

Let Freedom Read: What Do You Believe?
#BannedBooksWeek is almost here! Join us in supporting library workers, educators, authors, and readers everywhere on Let Freedom Read Day, September 28th! #LetFreedomRead Did you…

Human & Environmental Health Effects of LED Lighting on Our Night Skies
Climate Preparedness Week – Sept 24-30, 2024: A Time to Focus on the Intricate Connection of the Built & Natural Environment It’s 5 days until…

Working with Seabirds this Wednesday, Sept. 11th at 10:30am in the Brenner room!
Join us this week on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 at 10:30AM to learn about the many species the Mass Division of Fisheries & Wildlife are studying,…

Library Closed for Labor Day Holiday
The library will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in recognition of the Labor Day holiday. Initiated in the late nineteenth century, this holiday…

Free Prenatal Yoga Class Online with Bold Yoga
Join us online with the library’s free resources for yoga and meditation for all bodies through Bold Yoga! Have you always wanted to try yoga?…

Ode to Toad Presents: An Author Talk & Book Signing with Anita Diamant
We are honored to host the best-selling author and Rockport resident, Anita Diamant this Saturday, August 17th at 2:30pm in the Brenner room. Diamant will…

A Creative Art Experience: Balloon Dart Painting in the Garden at 10:30am on Aug 17th
Join Samantha from Gypsy Soul Work this Saturday, August 17th at 10:30am as she brings her mid-west creativity to the Rockport Public Library this August! …