Starting from Seed with Cedar Rock Gardens – Sat. March 15th at 1pm

We hope you can join us next week on SATURDAY, MARCH 15 at 1:00 PM for our presentation with Elise Smith of Cedar Rock Gardens, Starting from Seed.
Learn how to start an edible garden and annual or perennial flowers from seed. Elise will share the basics of succession planting, so gardeners can enjoy the bounty of their harvests over an extended season. Elise will help you understand supplies you do and do not need, timing, scarifying, stratifying, light needs and overall germination time for the seeds.
We will have free seed packages in the lobby and Buck-a-Book Garden Books for sale through the Friends of the Library outside of the Brenner Room while supplies lasts!
There will also be time for conversation about the importance of seed diversity and where to get your seeds. In her business, Elise shares that “a seed is the beginning of all our success and we do not take these tiny little life givers lightly”.
REGISTER ONLINE or just show up!
#startingfromseed #cedarrockgardens #freeseedgiveaway #buckabooksale #rockportpubliclibrary